Fall River,  Mills,  Things to Do

Spring comes to Fall River


With all of the rain and snow melt of the past few months, the Quequechan river is swollen and the current is running fast under the granite arch.  The river can be seen “daylighted” at a few spots around the city. The most impressive place may be on Anawan Street, near the Work Out World smoke stack.  The falls are roaring and the water level touches the old granite arch as the river surges through.  The ducks are back at Heritage Park and there are signs of Spring everywhere.

A visit to the Border City mill revealed a bustling curtain factory business on the top floor.  Mr. Raposa employs twenty-four workers Monday-Friday, and has been at the site for twenty-two years.  The mill is built to stand the test of time and the light streaming through the many windows cascades across the oak floors as it did in 1880.

Underneath the Braga bridge, currently half green and half blue, the river courses at a lively pace beneath the old railroad tracks.  There are some spectacular views of the mills and the river from behind the railroad museum under the Braga bridge.


  • Jo Anne Giovino

    As they say ” If walls could talk “. What stories we would hear from those mill girls. I wonder what they truly thought about the Borden murders and Lizzie being acquitted.

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