• Top 10 favorite posts

    Crime Scene-Andrew Borden  3,254

    New photo joins other “Lizzies” 2,892

    Lizzie’s leg o’ mutton sleeves 2,456

    Salem Witch? 2,264

    Haunted Happenings- ‘Tis the Season 1,844

    Somewhere in Time- A Cult Classic 1,825

    Victorian Fashion Links 1,428

    1890’s Fashionplates 1,418

    Companion Fall River Blogs 1,225

    Leg O’ Mutton Madness 1,031

    It’s always interesting to see where people like to go when they visit this blog.  Whether coming across us by accident, or googling another topic altogether, there are many non Lizzie-related posts which are in the top 10 all time “hits” for this blog.  Victorian fashion has its share of seekers as well as fans of the 1980 classic romantic film, Somewhere in Time.  Still, the most visited post is the crime scene of Andrew Borden, with its 360 degree pan of the sitting room.